Simple Video Editor 2.0 Delivers Big Performance Boosts

LightGuide, Inc. has released version 2.0 of Simple Video Editor with major performance improvements. 


Simple Video Editor 2.0

Simple Video Editor is a lightweight, user-friendly tool that simplifies video editing tasks while delivering improved performance. It offers essential editing features without the complexity of larger software.

The latest update focuses on speed and efficiency, making tasks like video cutting and merging faster and more accessible.

Highlights include faster high-resolution image grabbing using FFmpeg, improved frame caching, and smoother video concatenation.

Enhancements in cropping, auto-crop speed, and better tooltip visibility are also introduced. 

Numerous bug fixes address issues with subtitle handling, trimming, and video duration mismatches.

The update also adds 1440p and 2160p downscaling options, along with improvements in mouse interaction during editing.

These updates, combined with numerous bug fixes, make it a strong choice for high-resolution video editing.

Download Simple Video Editor 2.0

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