Shorten (.shn) provides lossless compression for WAV audio files and it allows you to handle waveforms using a Command Prompt window.

One of the biggest advantages of Shorten is being able to recuperate the original file exactly as it was.

From this point of view, SHN is superior to MP3, which eliminates information that can never be recovered.

SHN files are flexible and they can be used in various media; you can burn them to a CD for archiving or distribution. When archiving SHN files, digital audio extraction or DAE is avoided, and you get rid of undesired artifacts.

Shorten is recommended to anyone enjoying a reliable and robust command line application. shortn32.exe can be used with the batch files.

Starting with the last version of Shorten, 3.6.1, the application has become a native Windows executable and Cygwin is no longer needed.

Those who prefer a graphical user interface can use Multi frontend 0.983 beta, a general GUI which offers support for Shorten too. Errors while trying to run the frontend can be solved by getting the Visual Basic 6 Runtime files or the mscomctl.ocx file.

The commands you can give to Shorten can be applied individually, for each file, or in batches. The Shorten console can operate with multiple switches in order to complete one or more tasks at once.

Some of the options you can access with Shorten are selecting the target waveform to be processed, choosing the noise level, specifying the number of bytes to be copied before compression, and setting the desired number of interconnected channels.

Shorten is recommended to advanced users who are familiar with console applications and who are looking for a reliable tool performing lossless conversion.
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