JRiver Media Center 33.0.1

JRiver Media Center 33 is one of the most comprehensive software for managing and playing your media files.

JRiver Media Center scope includes almost all formats of audio, video, and images. Media Center can also record television and manage documents.

Features of JRiver Media Center 33 :

JRiver Media Center is the premier audio solution. Whether you demand audiophile quality, or you want fast access to a half million files, no other software will perform like JRiver does.

JRiver Media Center offers the highest quality video available. And it plays everything, without any setup required. Media Center's Red October DirectShow support is the benchmark of the industry.

JRiver Media Center is a powerful way to store and view your photos. Plug a camera in, wait a few seconds for Windows to find it, and click Acquire in the Action Window. Files are copied to a temp folder, where you can delete, rotate, and tag them. Then use Media Conter's Rename, Move, and Copy tool to move the files to directories according to date or other tag information.

Changes in JRiver Media Center 32.0.58 :

- NEW: Introduced a new default presentation mode for JRVR that presents several frames in advance, one for every VSYNC, for more accuracy and better timing.
- Changed: JRVR will try to restore monitor profiles if the monitor ID changes.
- Changed: Updated Spanish translation (thanks Leandro Botella Penalva).
- Changed: What was the new extra channels mode in the previous version is now the only extra channels mode.
- Fixed: Improved rendering of text with italics at large sizes, which was causing some pixels to be cut off.
- Changed: Updated all translations to the latest strings from the code.
- NEW: Added customizable Playing Now popup window that displays at track change and playback resume. Ctrl+I is the default shortcut to show it manually.
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