# Subtitle-Workshop-Classic-v6.2.12 Subtitle Editor derived from version 6.0b, but with UTF-8, audio stream selection, VLC support, Hunspell spellchecker and other improvements and extensions. ### 2024-06-03 (v6.2.12) * Solved a dark mode problem with the time-indicators next to the volumebar. * Technical: the file 'SubtitleAPI.dll' is no longer needed (now incorporated in the main executable 'SubtitleWorkshop.exe'). * Solved a small problem in the 'Save As' and the 'Settings' window regarding the fontsize. * Made the darkmode also work in the Time/CPU boxes in the subtitle list. * Double clicking the 'Start Subtitle' button inserts a subtitle with the default duration at the video position. Also a menuitem was added: 'Movie, Subtitles, Start + End subtitle'. A shortcut has been provided also. * Also the menus have a 'dark' version now provided the XP menus are not active. * Solved a charset error, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/9d29aa65a7/?limit=25#14eb. ### 2024-04-26 (v6.2.11) * In the 'profile' window a newly made profile is made the current one now. Also the window is not closed any more after selecting another profile, allowing further actions. * Corrected an error in the Profile window regarding the visibility of the 'current profile' in dark mode. * The export an import functions in the profile settings window do always start in the desktop folder now. * Solved an error message after closing and re-opening Hunspell window. * Solved a small error when resizing the Hunspell window. * Added a menuitem (and a shortcut for it): 'Main menu/Movie/Subtitles', 'Move following subtitles': moves all subtitles starting with the first selected one upto the last one. * Global notes are saved again now when closing subtitle workshop. * The 'Load Subtitle' menu now shows all supported file types again, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/35/. * Resolved an issue in 'Load Subtitle' regarding the chosen format, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/35/?limit=25#f407/386e. * Changed all open and save dialogs to a more suitable component, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/35/?limit=25#f407/386e. * Resolved an error message when opening the 'SAMI language extractor' window. * Gave a better visibility of the pushed buttons in 'Errors an Info settings', 'Mark'. ### 2024-04-10 (v6.2.10) * Big change: Implemented user profiles, see menu Settings -> Profile. Language files are adapted to incorporate new texts. A shortcut has been provided also. * Solved some issues with the darkmode (e.g. the video control buttons, volume bar etc...) * Made the used font in the character lists of 'Insert Symbol' changeable. * Added 'Recent' character selection to 'Insert Symbol'. * Solved problem in "Divide lines", see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/31/. * Technical: The FPS.ini, Shortcuts.key and Output.ini files are integrated in SubtitleWorkshop.ini (and the new profile files) now. * Limitless max nr of recent files possible now (well, actually 20000). * A project that is saved is now also added to 'recent Files', see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/33/. * A minimum pause of zero can be set now and subtitles with zero pause between them are no longer considered to be overlapping, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/32/?limit=25#1e42/4b27. ### 2024-02-28 (v6.2.9) * Made the "Browse" button views in BatchConvert the same as the 'Add' view in the batch convert functionality, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/e56aa03788/?limit=25#92db. * Reloading a movie file is not done any more after the same file is to be opened with Load Project, Load Subtitle or Recent file choice, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/22/. * Solved: Cancelling the "Load subtitle" modal window did reload the video for no reason, See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/27/. * Solved: Moving subtitles around doesn't analyze errors in the switched rows, which might lead to faulty error detections, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/28/. * Implemented: The Save subtitle button shouldn't have three dots, as it doesn't open any modal window or any subsequent part of any kind, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/29/. * The leading and trailing spaces in the search and replace strings are also saved now. * Dark mode, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/40a166335e/?limit=25#fea0 and others. ### 2024-02-01 (v6.2.8) * Added the possibility to move the selected subtitle line up/down in the list, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/7/#308d. * Prevent overlap with "Insert Subtitle" and "Insert before" if the setting 'Errors and Info Settings -> Fix Overlapping Subtitles' is checked, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/7/#308d. * Subtitles entered with buttons "Start subtitle" and "End subtitle" (taking the movie positions as start/end time) are now inserted in the correct place in the subtitle list, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/7/#308d. * The fontsize in log window of "Batch Convert" now follows the setting of its main window, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f/d8d1/db27/434b. * In "Batch Convert" the output coding (ANSI, UTF8 or unchanged) can be chosen now, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f/d8d1/db27/434b. * In the extension list in "Batch Convert" only associated extensions are checked initially. Also the list is sorted now. * Also in "Batch Convert" the output format selection is moved to the "next" window, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f/d8d1/db27/434b. * Furthermore in "Batch Convert" a descriptive name was added to the FPS setting (became "Output FPS"), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f/d8d1/db27/434b. * Made the 'Browse' buttons in "Batch Convert" start now at the 'old' search path and destination path, , see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f/d8d1/db27/434b. * The "FPS" column in batch convert has also a value now when the Output Format is frame based. * Added "Delay" to batch convert. * Changed the Files menu (load/save available at top level now) in the non translator mode, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/6f4b47a3ca/?limit=25#a69f. * The help is updated. * The language files are updated. ### 2024-01-02 (v6.2.7) * The Search and Search/replace windows are no longer modal. This means you can e.g. edit while the window is visible. The window has been made 'StayOnTop' instead. * After a search in one of above windows the place where the text is found is indicated in the text controls area. You can start an edit right away. * The 'Insert Symbol' and the 'Search/Replace' windows have been made 'StayOnTop'. * Solved crashing when the "last selected subtitle" is out of range after a split followed by giving the original name to the first (splitted) part. * Solved a problem caused by "Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2." in v6.2.6. * The choices in the simple split up window are remembered between sessions. * The message "'Spell check finished. xx change(s) made.'" after a Hunspell check session is replaced by a line at the bottom of the Hunspell window. * Search also finds tags (,, , , , and ). * BatchConvert works again, the file list is created correctly. * After 'Divide Lines" dashes at the beginning of both parts are only deleted if the "-" on first line in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Fix is checked, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/24/. * After 'Divide Lines' both parts are only trimmed if "Enters and spaces at beginning and end" in Tools->Information & Errors->Settings->Unnecessary spaces->Fix is checked, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/24/. * Problem with the nr of characters display when the latter is zero in the 'Divide Lines' window solved, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/24/#143b/3b85/3729/278b. ### 2023-11-03 (v6.2.6) * Corrected an error after trying to read in 'LastChoices.txt' when it contained non ASCII characters (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/19/#1c41). * Made project files (.stp files) also Unicode capable (saved as UTF8 now). * Up to 100 'recent files' can be remembered now, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/20/. * Splitted up 'Notes' in 'Global' and 'Project'. Translations to be done. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/16/. Project notes are saved in the project file (.stp), subtitle notes and global notes are saved in 'Notes.txt'. * Solved a problem with splitted up Notes, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/16/?limit=25#1ecf/3e8d/433e/af99. * The main toolbar is no longer resized, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/13/. * Adapted the 'Search/replace' form: replaced two round buttons ('From the first subtitle' and 'All the subtitle') by 1 checkbox ('From the first subtitle'). Initially 'From the first subtitle' is checked and as soon as the first search action is done, 'From the first subtitle' becomes unchecked, thus allowing to find the next occurance of the search text. This prevents getting stuck with only finding the first occurance. A not found warning is now only given if the search string is not present at all in the subtitles. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/21/. * Allowed negative window positions. Important for multiple monitor configuations, with the extra monitor set to the left of the primary one, to allow saved windows positions recalled to the correct monitor. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/1272ee2378/?limit=25#4167/fa3d/b0c7/0f04. * Added a setting in the General section: Allow negative window coordinates. The item is default off (not allowing negative coordinates). See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/18/#1a20. * Made it possible to show the movie in full screen on the non primary monitor in multi monitor setups. * The search and replace strings for the Search and the Search/Replace windows are saved now between sessions. * Added scroll bars to the 'Notes' field in the left panel. Automatic word wrap is deleted. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/16/#1ecf/3e8d/433e/af99/c963/9e48. * Allowed the Main window and the 'Information and Errors' window to be on different monitors in a multi monitor setup. * Splitting subtitles (Simple): the current subtitle (or the found one) will be the first subtitle of part2 now. ### 2023-10-15 (v6.2.5) * Made the editing panel vertically resizable. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/8/ and https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/56654b29d6/. * Made the left (control) panel horizontally resizable. * Made long text better displayed in the info and errors form, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=3#4d7f/2fa4/ef25. * Made the recognition of UTF-8 files also working after starting up via file association. * Made charset selection (orig and translation) take effect right away (subtitle is converted directly after the selection). * Prevented the original subtitle and the translated one to be the same subtitlefile. * Solved 'empty CPS boxes' in the subtitles list (when no selection made what to display there a small empty box was shown). Made the behaviour somewhat more logical. * Adapted the manual concerning the usage of item 'Show CPS boxes (Info and Errors). * The 'recent' opened subtitles or projects are saved now in a separate (UTF8 - Unicode) file: 'Recent.txt' instead of in the SubtitleWorkshop.ini file. This means recent filenames can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/12/. * The file 'LastChoices.txt' is saved now as UTF8 file (names in it can also contain non ascii -unicode- characters). * Notes are now saved in UTF8 format (Unicode characters made possible). Notes are saved now in the separate file 'Notes.txt'. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/15/ and https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/9c1f38d2cf/. * Solved a small error after resizing the colums of the subtitle list. * Added an 'Installation' chapter to the manual. * Made the adaptation to the color chosen for the time line under the Video Preview Panel faster.See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/14/. * In the 'Insert Symbol' form, in the Ascii table, the characters according the selected character set are shown now. * Also the chosen characterset is shown now when the ascii table is selected. * Improved the readability of the tables in the 'Insert Symbol' form. * Added several Unicode groups to the 'Insert Symbol' form. * A hint is added to the 'Font size' spinbutton (left bottom corner of forms). ### 2023-09-17 (v6.2.4) * Solved a problem with frames per second detection of the movie with VLC (retry added). * Solved the disappearance of the left side of the 'All' button on the info/error screen (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?limit=25#5c1f) * Moved 'enter/exit full screen' to the bottom of the movie popup menu (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/#d429/5b7a/54ce) for clarity. * Changed the movie (popup) menu texts 'Open' and 'Close' into 'Open Movie' and 'Close movie' for clarity. * Took the English and the Bulgarean language files provided by Seagate, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=1&limit=25#e6a3 * Added 'Enter full screen' to the main Movie menu. * Added a shortcut to enter full screen mode (section Movie). * Solved a problem with saving position and size of the 'Info/error settings' menu (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=1&limit=25#e6a3). * Corrected an error when adjusting the font size in the Info and Error settings menu (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=1&limit=25#ff7d) * Corrected an error when closing the custom error info window (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=1&limit=25#ff7d/55a3/d29d) * Widened the 'Custom Info' button in the Info and errors window to cope with the Bulgarian language (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=1&limit=25#ff7d) * Widened the main menu items to not cut off text at the end (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=3&limit=25#2734) * Added the Bulgarian shortcut translations received from SeaGate (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/c189e6afd5/?page=2&limit=25#baa5). * Reduced the vertical size of all buttons on request of SeaSide. * There is no more minimal height for the editing panel (resized normally now with the height of the main window). ### 2023-08-13 (v6.2.3) * Solved a problem with "toggle scroll list" feature, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/bab0e845e0/#6871/c939. The scrolling can be enabled in 'menu -> Settings -> settings -> look -> list -> Keep selected subtitle in the middle'. The feature is always enabled when 'Scroll list' is on. * Adapted the manual for the fixed shortcuts in the subtitles list. * Solved a problem "Issue with CPS box" (highlight), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/47c7763f1b/#dc48. * Adapted: left out the highlight (underline) of the "duration","Show" and "Hide" windows with durations. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/67e47644d3/#a6a3 ### 2023-06-22 (v6.2.2) * Solved the problem with "Space after characters" detection, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/1a4f31af1c/ * Added shortcuts for the numerical keyboard (number keys only), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/96d44e789c/ * In the "Error Information" menu open - the count numbers located vertically, follow now the form's font size, See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/2d19711de3/#9ab2 * In the XP menus the separator vertical space has been reduced, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/2d19711de3/#9ab2 * Corrected the select and drag functionality in the subtitle edit fields. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/bab0e845e0/#6871. ### 2023-04-02 (v6.2.1) * Search and Replace window: Changed the caption of the 'Find next' button to 'Search' (the kind of search is defined below that button, see "Search for text in:"). Changed also the caption of choice 'All subtitles' to 'From the first subtitle'. * The popup menu of the translation edit box was the wrong one. Corrected. * Removed the side effect (unwanted selection of line after left of the text clicking) due to the "Removed the flicker" solution in v6.2.0. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/dfe8fe9538/#acbb * Solved white full screen problem and its subtitle problem in v6.2.0, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/f36af1d215/. * Solved a shortcut visibility problem. ### 2023-03-20 (v6.2.0) * Made the non XP main menu a little smaller again (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/dfe8fe9538/). * Made the F7 key working again (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/dfe8fe9538/). * Removed the minimization error (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/dfe8fe9538/#acbb/). * Removed the flicker and the odd cursor shape when hovering left of the text in the edit boxes (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/dfe8fe9538/). * The "LongerDurations.pas" Pascal script was added (Thanks Seagate) ### 2023-03-13 (V6.1.9), changes with respect to version 6.1.5 (the previous stable one) * Made the non XP main menu a little wider to be able to cope with all of its captions. * Made the main toolbar a little smaller, more according to the original design. Still resized according the main window sizes. * Added "maximized" values for the List column widths in the ini file. The "maximized" widths are remembered separately now. * Added the choice of using an alternate subtile rendering method (see settings, Video preview, Subtitles, 'Try alternate rendering method'). * Added also the choice between Word and Hunspell check to the spellcheck toolbutton. * The part of the video seek bar left of the current video position looks now the same as the right hand part (not inverted any more, better to interpret). * Another drawing method is used now for the the seekbars and the video buttons to prevent black buttons in some cases. * Corrected an error in "Divide Lines", see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/ad396e78ed/?limit=25#459f. * Corrected an error in the highlight of tags on subtitles with multiple lines. * Solved "Alt Gr symbols dissapear in the main textbox", see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/7cd53122ed/?limit=25#effb/1ae5. * Resize the menu texts according the font size settings of the program (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/4911e43c9d/?limit=25#3a00/9352) * Added icons for all main menu items. * Enabling and disabling of recalling last saved movie position and subtitle number on load is added now (settings menu, general), see "How to make play from begining and not from last editing or delete line." (https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/4911e43c9d/?limit=25#3a00/9352) * Removed the code from the group from the unicode groupname (Insert Symbol). * Removed the separate font size setting for the error list in 'Info and Errors'. * Removed the initialization error from v6.1.6 see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/solved/thread/664d74e1dd/#0f60. ### 2023-03-02 (V6.1.8) ## This version gave problems at startup, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/2b4d4d4fdb/. ### 2022-12-27 (v6.1.7) ## This version gave problems at startup, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/2b4d4d4fdb/. ### 2022-12-24 (v6.1.6) ## This version gave problems at startup, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/2b4d4d4fdb/. ### 2022-09-13 (v6.1.5) * Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down (Misc section). The "Increase step" setting is used, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/73f0ddc3/. * Added shortcuts for Showtime and Hidetime up/down one frame (Misc section), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/d890b93245/. * Finally Solved weird extra characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/3949f1f616/. * Solved: Unicode subtitles revert to ANSI if loaded automatically via loading a project, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/ce12c3c3b7/. * Corrected some inconsistencies in the "Search" and "Search and Replace" functionality. * The current selection is now kept always in the middle of the subtitle list when scrolling, provided the list scrolling is on (button "Toggle Scroll List") (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/42c6eea364/?limit=25#d004). ### 2022-08-06 (v6.1.4) * Redesigned the "SaveAs" window for better readability. Format File extensions are also shown now. * Added the format file extension to the format lists in "Settings Formats to show when SaveAs". * Added the name(s) of associated formats in the "Settings File Types" list. * Made it possible to (independant of the main window) change (and remember) the character font size of almost all windows. The change is done with the up/down control in the left bottom corner of the window. The font of list of errors in the "Information and Errors" window can be resized separately (see the up/down control in the right top corner of the list). * The "Default Format" is taken into account now in the "SaveAs" window. * The value for video forward and backward actions can also be defined in frames (instead of seconds) now. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/8df0c01069/ and https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/d890b93245/ * Custom format also accepts tabs in the description part now (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/helpdone/thread/44b212bd8b/?limit=25). * Corrected an error in the Hunspell window: manually given texts were ignored. * Hunspell now makes a difference between upper/lower case characters. * Added the possibility to sort on group and number in the "Used Shortcuts" window. ### 2022-07-12 (v6.1.3) * File saved in customformat can be saved in UTF-8 coding now. * Also translations can be saved in custom format now. * "Allow fraction numbers as subtitle outline and shadow thickness values" for the Advanced Substation Alpha and Substation Alpha formats. see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/6/ * The "WebSrt" format has been added, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/8df0c01069/. * The maintoolbar is also resized now. * The active page is remembered now in the "Edit Shortcuts" window. * Remember the UTF-8 setting in Save as window: Implemented, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/tickets/5/. * Corrected an error in subtitle positioning using deviating charsets (only one row was shown). * Custom format processing can handle "hh:mm:ss:ff" (frames in stead of milliseconds) now. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/help/thread/44b212bd8b/ * Solved extra weird characters visible after alt-V in the edit field, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/3949f1f616/ * Added the presence of the hovering activity over the seekbar in the settings now (Item "Seekbar hovering"). See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/62a2fff8/ ### 2022-06-08 (v6.1.2) * Redesigned the resizing of the "Info and Errors" screen. * Implemented: Could you please put the shortcuts next to the name of the pascal scripts in the list of the "P" icon? Like it is used in tools/pascal scripts. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/88a126d9b2/ * Made the textcolor and the background color of the subtitle visible in the setup window (Settings, Video Preview, Subtitles). Moved the place of shadow and outline settings to a more logical place. Removed the "Transparent Color" panel (not used). ### 2022-05-14 (v6.1.1) * Solved: If I disable fixing "Too long durations" and "Too short durations", those are enabled automaticaly after opening "information and errors" again. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/d0f1380fa8/ * Updated the manual (help). At this moment only the English version is done. * Removed the minimum constraints for some forms so that they still fit on smaller screens. * Made the installation directory the same for every version, so one does not loose the already made settings. ### 2022-05-05 (v6.1.0) * Added labels to the original and translations charset selections in the main screen. * Made the subtitles's charset selection available when no subtitles are loaded yet. * Added "Set Delay" and "Divide Lines" to the list's pop-up menu. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/9239f7c6cc/ * Disabled the hovering activity over the seekbar. Was confusing. See https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/62a2fff8/ * Negative times (e.g. Pause or durationn) are displayed correctly now in the list. * Made 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop' (settings-File types) more understandable: Checking it: - makes all checked extensions in the list associated with Subtitle Workshop - removes all extension associations in the list that are not checked Unchecking it: - removes all extensions associations to Subtitle Workshop The list and its checked extensions is no longer changed by clicking 'Associate Subtitle extensions with Subtitle Workshop'. * Added the DRTIC subtitle format (*.dtc extension), see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/77ee86fbbb/. * Loading a project made more efficient. * Implemented request 'Would it be possible to make "Set pauses" available as a shortcut?' see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/d367784c6d/ * Implemented request 'Could you put a question before the deletion that "Do you really want to delete this custom info set?"', see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/bfc4861602/. * Added the 'Hunspell" spellchecker. * Added the "Goto movie position" feature (under the "Search" menu). Permits to goto a certain time in the movie. Also the 10 most recent movie positions are kept. * Splitted up the subtitle class 'Timed Text' up in separate xml, ttml and dfxp classes. * WebVTT files (*.vtt) now allow extra text following the final time of a subtitle. * Removed a bug in Synchronize Subtitle functionality. * Problem solved: fix "too long lines" can not be activated, (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/76a6c870d1/). Reason: the solution was not implemented. Additionally also 'Too short Pauses', 'Too long duration' and 'Too short duration" are implemented in this new version. A problem raises here: solving one problem regarding timing (pause or duration) may cause new time problems in the previous or the next subtitle. Nevertheless the solving is always attempted. Extra translation for the new texts needed for all languages except English, Dutch and French. * Problem solved: CPS translated text, (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/94c4f8f6eb/) ### 2019-09-30 (v6.0e/12) * Problem solved:The choices for "set Delay" was not stored well, (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/a81eb33662/?limit=25#a967). * Problem solved: Fontsizes of outputsettings not saved, (See https://www.videohelp.com/software/Subtitle-Workshop/reviews#15466). ### 2019-09-19 (v6.0e/11) * Solved a problem in 'divide lines', see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/58f92c34a6/?limit=25#0e48/eaff. * Reset the constraints of the 'Information and Errors' screen to the values of version 6.0e/09, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/58f92c34a6/?limit=25#0e48/eaff. ### 2019-09-17 (v6.0e/10) * The default of the 'Spaces after characters' check is changed into '-.,;?!' (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/39e9917387/?limit=25#919c) * English spelling OCR file added. Thanks Mor Tuadh (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/0ff1b637c5/). * Did some resizing in the 'Errors and Information' screen. Buttontexts should stay better visible now. * The errorlist update is done now after a 'Divide lines' action (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/58f92c34a6/?limit=25#0e48). * Made a lot more windows resizable that were not yet (to cope with high resolution screens). * The Notes text is now converted from and back to the correct character set (defined by the Notes Charset). * Other texts are now converted from and back to the characterset defined in the language file. ### 2019-08-27 (v6.0e/09) * Subtitles with a non default codepage (e.g. Cyrillic) are handled correctly now. * Impaired hearing fix repaired (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/282887d1f1/) * Solved problem with extra space after custom character (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/39e9917387/) * Corrected an error in tag highlighting. * Made a number of forgotten errors wisible when hovering the subtitle list. ### 2019-08-16 (v6.0e/08) * Resolved an error when opening a subtitle file with a specific format choice (unequal to 'All supported Files' or 'All Files'). * Solved an error with "Fast unbreak Subtitles" and possibly other functions on subtitles with a break in them (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/90f4941e88/?limit=25#ed59). ### 2019-08-10 (v6.0e/07) * Tools -> Information and Errors -> Information and Errors: Only errors visible in the error/warning list are handled by the 'Fix Errors' button now. * The 'no sound' problem reported by Willem52 has been solved (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/57dbceecc8/?page=0). * Solved a problem with change of width between sessions when "Smart resize" was on (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/8b1a0d20ff/). * Problem with Cyrillic texts solved (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/8bb900890e/). * The test for an "Unnecessary Spaces" error between digits has now been limited to just that. ### 2019-07-26 (v6.0e/06) * Removed an error in 'text before colon' detection. Digits before the colon are allowed now. * Removed a problem of losing text in the shown subtitle when it is in bold. * Solved several problems in subtitles with more than one line. * Solved a problem with undo and bold tags. ### 2019-07-21 (v6.0e/05) * The Outline/Shadow problem has been solved. * The undo problem for multi line subtitles has been solved. * Removed an error in the SUBSTATIONALPHA read/convert routine. ### 2019-07-14 (v6.0e/04) * Also the selected audio stream is remembered now (both in projects and non projects), and restored when opening a subtitle or a project. * The selected movie is remembered now and restored when loading a subtitle, provided the "AutoSearchMovie" setting is on. * A problem with the file "LastChoices.txt" (access not allowed) has been solved. * The WEBVTT subtitle format is supported now. ### 2019-07-01 (v6.0e/03) * The .ini files holding the video position and the last selected subtitle are removed. The functionality is still kept in however. * If there are no audio tracks the audio track menu is disabled now. * The Greek translation is present now. Thanks to Xenos Latinos, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/20b5b37fba/#f20e. * The "SetDelay" has been made more versatile. ### 2019-04-05 (v6.0e/02) * The (last positions) .ini file is now also created using 'Save As' (thanks Xenos Latinos, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/ef6797c88b/). * A new format has been added : the Avid DS Caption format (thanks Xenos Latinos, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/feat/thread/76520698b0/). * The problem in Tools --> Informations and errors --> Settings Fix tab line "- " on first line not remembered is solved. ### 2019-03-15 (v6.0e/01) * Added the Croation translation (thanks Abajo, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/general/thread/d4c9e6787c/#2cff). * Solved the Chinese character problem (thanks GardField, see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/b471b4bf3c/#f7b3). * Adapted the helpfile. * Solved a problem with the "Rewind" and "Forward" buttons (2x the required time was stepped). * The "project" possibility can also be used in non translator mode now. * When opening a subtitle file the video position and the subtitle selection in the list are restored now (this was already the case with "projects"). * Solved a problem with the 'Save as' screen and big font sizes. ### 2018-11-06 (v6.0d/37) * Solved a problem with the "Stop" button when using the VLC video renderer. ### 2018-09-11 (v6.0d/36) * Removed the "double button" error in the main form toolbar (see https://sourceforge.net/p/subtitle-workshop-classic/discussion/bugs/thread/d8863a53/). ### 2018-09-10 (v6.0d/35) * Removed a crash of the program when checking "Force using regions (may be slow)" in settings --> video preview --> subtitles. ### 2018-09-01 (v6.0d/34) * Removed a problem with the display of the volume bar with small sizes of the main screen. ### 2018-08-31 (v6.0d/33) * Removed a problem with the subtitle size in the video preview after using the settings menu. * The initial language is "English" now. ### 2018-08-23 (v6.0d/32) * Added double quotes around the parameters for the external player. * Added an automatic "VIDEO_FILE" to the parameters for the external player (only if parameters is left empty). ### 2018-08-03 (v6.0d/31) * Made 'Load project" work (translation mode). * Removed an error in the main ini file location. ### 2018-07-24 (v6.0d/30) * Removed a font size error in the 'Insert Symbol' screen. * Correct a small error in the Dutch language file. * TimedText save can also handle the Single Tags mode now. ### 2018-07-21 (v6.0d/29) * Supported a deviating dfxp file format (e.g. "tt:br/" in stead of
4 Gb. * Added the "m4v" movie format as a valid one. * Removed a few situations where errors could occur (e.g. doubleclicking on an empty errors list).